Revd Tracey Bateson 1st Blog

How did it all begin?

Having become a Christian at Uni, I would never have dreamed of becoming a ‘Vicar’ let alone joining the Army and yet here I am,  a Chaplain in the Army. It all began as a Youth worker. I loved working within the church with young people but I soon wanted to communicate Gods love and Word to all ages. Before I knew it, I was talking to my Vicar about becoming ordained and within a year I was at College in Bristol (after a process of prayer, discernment, interviews and the like).

During my three year Theological training there was an offer to enjoy a week with the Army Chaplains. At this point I didn’t even know there were ‘Ministers’ in the Armed Services so I wanted to be nosey. I had a fantastic time of driving trucks, going up in Helicopters and I met so many interesting people. I couldn’t believe that you could be paid to be with soldiers wherever they go and when opportunities arose yu were able to share God’s story with them.

I asked the same question to everyone I met; ‘Do you really want a Padre?’ and ‘Will you accept a Padre if they happen to be female?’ The answer came back; YES, YES. I felt, ‘yes this is for me, but probably only if I remain single, because what husband would ever follow me around.’

Long story short, God provided me with an amazing husband, ‘Jack’ and here I am Padre to an Infantry Battalion, 1RRF.The odd interview happened in between but all in all it seems this is where God wants me to serve Him. For the moment anyway!

5 thoughts on “Revd Tracey Bateson 1st Blog”

  1. I found your blog to be very interesting and enlightening. A real insight into your pathway to being a padre from a woman´s point of view. I didn´t realise that there were women in the army in this role. I thought it was all men!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement There are now 5 femal Padres and we are always looking for more. If you look at the Cchurch Of England Newspaper and type in my name, you’ll come up with even more info about our role.

    2. Dawn, our female Padre’s are an essential part of the Army. As Tracey says we need more! Their ministry is highly valued, and I value their contributions as colleagues in Christ!

  2. Every time I come to you have another exciting post to read. One of my friends was telling me about this topic several weeks ago, so I think I will send them the url here and see what they say.

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